Correct Word Usage

Word Usage Tips | Habit vs Custom | Learn their usage in sentences to build your vocabulary

Word Usage Tips | Habit vs Custom | Learn their usage in sentences to build your vocabulary

We will take a few pairs or groups of apparently similar words and illustrate or Learn their usage in sentences to build your vocabulary which develop your power of word-discrimination.

Word Usage Tips – tips on correct word usage, In this article you are going to learn (habit vs custom) and their usage in sentences.

Habit Vs Custom

Meaning of habit:

Habit is somebody’s s settled practice, especially something that cannot be easily given up.

Example Sentences of the word habit:
  1. The habit of smoking cannot be easily given up.
  2. He is in the habit of getting up late.
  3. Habit-forming drug should be scrupulously avoided.
  4. Do not let yourself get into bad habits.
  5. Habit is second nature.

Meaning of custom:

Custom is the usual and generally accepted behavior among members of a social group either small or large, e.g.a nation.

Example Sentences of the word custom:
  1. Custom requires us to stand when the national anthem is played.
  2. Do not be a slave to Custom.
  3. It has become the Custom For English families to go to the seaside in summer.
  4. Social Customs vary in different countries.

Custom also means regular support given to a tradesman by those who buy his goods. We should very much like to have your customs means we would like you to buy our goods. I shall withdraw my Customs from that shop means I shall not but goods from there in future. 

  1. The officials in the Customs at London Airport we’re very polite.

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